Home Page Rassian


General Publications

Aschepkov E.A.Russian Wooden Architecture. Moscow. 1950
Aschepkov E.A.Russian Popular Architecture of Western Siberia. Moscow. 1950
Baiburin A.K.Rituals in Traditional Russian Culture. Analysis of Structure and Semantics of East Slavic Rituals. Saint-Petersburg. 1993
Bardina P.E. Household of Russian Siberians of Tomsky Territory. Tomsk. 1995
Blomkvist E.V., Grinkova N.P.Old Believers of Bukhtarminsk. Leningrad. 1930
Balandin S.N.History of Architecture, Russian Rural Settlements in Siberia (the XVIIth - XXth). Novosibirsk. 1984
Blomkvist E.V. Peasant Buildings of Russians, Ukranians, Byelorussians (Settlements, Houses, Household Buildings)/Eastslavic Ethnographical Collection. Moscow. 1956
Vitov M.V.On Types of Settlements/Soviet Ethnography. 1953. #3.
Gromiko M.M. The Environment of Russian Village. Moscow. 1991
Gromiko M.M. Working Traditions of Russian Peasants in Siberia (the XVIII - the 1st half of the XIXth cent.). Novosibirsk. 1975
Zabello S., Ivanov V., Maximov P.Russian Wooden Architecture. Moscow. 1942
Kaplan A.I.Esseys on Folk Art in Altai. Moscow. 1961
Kartashov A.A.Folk House of Kulundinsky Regions of Novosibirsk Territory: (history of country house development in Western Siberia)/ Collection of Publications. Novosibirsk. 1972, #3. p.67-74
PeasantHouses of Russians, Ukranians, and Byelorussians. /Eastslavic Collection/ Publications of Ethnography Institute of Science Academy of USSR. Moscow. 1956. Vol.31
Lipinskaia V.A.Zaimki of Western Siberia, the end of the XIXth century, the Seasonal Settlements. /Household and Lifestyle of West-Siberian Peasants, the XVIIth - the beginning of the XXth centuries. Moscow. 1979. p.143-187
Lipinskaia V.A.Some Cultural and Lifestyle Transformations in Russian Settlements of Altai Territory. / Field Trip Researches of Ethnography Institute. Moscow. 1988. p.21-32
Lipinskaia V.A. Some Features of Contemporary Material Culture of Russian Population of Altai Territory. / Soviet Ethnography. 1968, #2, p.96-105
Lipinskaia V.A.Russian Population of Altai Territory: Essay on History and Ethnography. / Soviet Ethnography. 1965, #6. p.108-114
Lipinskaia V.A. Russian Population of Altai Territory. Folk Traditions of Material Culture. (the XVIIIth - XIXth centuries). Moscow. 1987
Lipinskaia V.A.Contemporary Material Culture of Russian Population of Altai Territory: abstract of Master Thesis. Moscow. 1968 û 20 p.
Lutsidarskaia A.A.Old Residents of Siberia. Novosibirsk. 1992
Minenko N.A.North-Western Siberia in the XVIIIth - the 1st half of the XIXth centuries: Essay on History and Ethnography. Novosibirsk. 1975
Opolovnikov A.V.Russian North. Moscow. 1977
Opolovnikov A.V.Russian Wooden Architecture. Moscow.1983
Okhrimenko G.I.Wood Carvings./ Ethnographical Collection of Science Academy. Vol.2. Ulan-Ude. 1961.
Monuments of Lifestyleand Economical Development of Siberia: Collection of Scientific Publications./ Institute of History, Philology and Philosophy; editors I.V.Aseev, D.I.Rezun. Novosibirsk. 1989. 189 p.
Study Problemsof Material Culture of Siberian Russians. Moscow. 1974
Rodionov A. Red Book of Crafts. Barnaul. 1990
Rusakova L.M. Traditional Art of Siberian Peasants. Novosibirsk. 1989
Russians. Moscow. 1997.
Russian House. Samara. 1995.
Russians: Album of History and Ethnography. Moscow. 1967.
Russians of Siberia. Culture, Traditions, and Rituals. Novosibirsk. 1998.
Ribakov B.A. Pegan Believes of Ancient Russia. Moscow. 1987
Siberia over Thousands of Years. Vol.2. Novosibirsk. 1998
Traditional House of Russain People: the XIXth - the beginning of the XXth cent. Moscow. 1997. 397 p.
Working Traditions of Siberian Peasants, the end of the XVIIIth - the beginning of the XXth centuries. Novosibirsk. 1982
Household and Lifestyle of Westsiberian Peasants, the XVIIth - the beginning of the XXth century. Articles Collection / Ethnography Institute. Moscow. 1979. 248 p.
Chagin G.N. World Concepts and Traditional Rituals of Russian Peasants of the Middle Ural, middle of the XIXth - beg. of the XXth cent. Perm. 1995
Chizhikov L.I. Shmeleva M.N. Contemporary Russian Peasant House. / Soviet Ethnography. 1955, #1
Shelegina O.M. Material Culture of Russian Peasants of Western Siberia in the XVIIIth - the 1st half of the XIXth cent. (House, Clothes). Abstract of Master Thesis. Novosibirsk. 1986
Shelegina O.M. Essays on Material Culture of Russian Peasants of Siberia (the XVIIIth - 1st half of the XIXth cent.). Novosibirsk. 1992
Shelegina O.M. Ogranizational Traditions in Household Buildings of Russian Peasants of Western Siberia, the XVIIIth - 1st half of the XIXth cent. / Russians of Siberia: Culture, Traditions, Rituals. Novosibirsk. 1998. p.129-143
Ethnography of Siberian People (coll. of articles) / Siberian Department of Science Academy of USSR, Institute of History, Philology, and Philosophy; editors - I.N.Gemtsev, U.S.Hudiakov. Novosibirsk. 1984. 152 p.
Ethnography of Russian Peasants of Siberia, the XVIIth - middle of the XIXth cent. Moscow. 1981. 270 p.
Ethnography of Russian Peasants of Siberia. Moscow. 1983.
Ethnography of Russian Peasants of Siberia and Asia. Moscow. 1969.

Publications about South-Western Siberia and Altai

Gregoritchev K.V. Rural Settlements of Low Charish. / Ethnography of Altai and Neighbouring Areas. Barnaul. 1998. p.94-97.
Gregoritchev K.V. Cultural Influence of Migrants on Plan Development of Eltsovka vil., Ust-Kalmansky region. / Preservation and Study of Cultural Heritage of Altai Territory: Conference Materials. Barnaul. 1997
Gregoritchev K.V. Peasant Estate of Ust-Chumish vil./ Low Chumish: Essays on History and Culture. Barnaul-Talmenka. 1997
Gregoritchev K.V., Fedorenko O.A. Landskape and Architecture of Osokino vil. (Makarievka vil.) / Problems of Preservation, Study, and Utilisation of Cultural Heritage of Altai. Barnaul. 1995
Gregoritchev K.V. Traditional Planning and Building of Villages in Altai Region. / Conference materials on the 35th anniversary of Art Museum. Barnaul. 1995
Gregoritchev K.V. Elements of Traditional Folk Architecture in House Building in 1940s-1950s./ Problems of Preservation, Study, and Utilisation of Cultural Heritage of Altai. Barnaul. 1995
Zhivova L.V. Household Arts in Altai: on Material of Field Trip Researches of 1991-1993 / Ethnography of Altai Territory: Scientific and Methodics Material. Barnaul. 1994. p.20-28
Zverev V.A. Settlments and Houses of Novosibirsk District in 1920s. /Ethnography of Altai and Neighbouring Areas. Barnaul. 1998. p. 60-65
Fedorenko O.A. "Bubnovsky Complex", Talmenka vil. / Preservation and Study of Cultural Heritage of Altai Territory: Conference Materials. Barnaul. 1997. p.217-221
Fedorenko O.A. Tin Carvings. / Low Chumish: Essays on History and Culture. Barnaul-Talmenka. 1997. p.145-149
Fedorenko O.A. Peasant Fireplace. / Low Chumish: Essays on History and Culture. Barnaul-Talmenka. 1997. p.141-145
Fedorenko O.A. Building and Household Culture of Peasant House, Expedition Materials of 1994. / Conference materials on the 35th anniversary of Art Museum. Barnaul. 1995. p.86-91
Fedorenko O.A. Typical Building Techniques of Peasant Architecture. / Low Chumish: Essays on History and Culture. Barnaul-Talmenka. 1997. p.129-134
Fedorenko O.A. Proskurina N.A. Architectural Monuments of Vipolzova vil., Talmesky region. / Preservation and Study of Cultural Heritage of Altai Territory: Conference Materials. Barnaul. 1997. p.199-202
Scheglova T.K. House Interior of Altai Peasants in the 1st half of the XXth century: Field Trip Researches 1993-1995. / Altai Ethnography. 1996. p. 93-105
Scheglova T.K. Houses and Household Buildings of Ust-Kalmanka vil.: Field Trip Researches. / Altai Ethnography. 1996. p. 111-125
Scheglova T.K. House Liturgy. Traditional House Culture of Old Resident Peasants of Altai Foothills (on expeditions material). / Altai Collection. Vol. XVII. Barnaul. 1997. p.253-257
Scheglova T.K. Study of Traditional House. / Ethnography of Altai Territory: Scientific and Methodics Material. Barnaul. 1994. p.111-116
Scheglova T.K. Application of Folk Traditions in Rural House Building in 30s-50s of the XXth century. /Ethnography of Altai and Neighbouring Areas. Barnaul. 1998. p.43-48
Scheglova T.K. About Conditions of Ancient Elements of Peasant Wooden Architecture of Altai Foothills. / Conference materials on the 35th anniversary of Art Museum. Barnaul. 1995. p.79-85
Scheglova T.K. Peasant House, the Ethnocultural Monument. / Problems of Preservation, Study, and Utilisation of Cultural Heritage of Altai. Barnaul. 1995. p.209-212
Scheglova T.K. Folk Traditions of Talmenka Architecture. / Low Chumish: Essays on History and Culture. Barnaul-Talmenka. 1997. p.84-90
Scheglova T.K. Monuments of Traditional Peasant Architecture in Ust-Kalmansky Region. / Preservation and Study of Cultural Heritage of Altai Territory: Conference Materials. Barnaul. 1997. p.193-199
Scheglova T.K. Simple and Cross-Wall Sviaz-Izba in Altai (on Types of Pesant Architecture Monuments) / Preservation and Study of Cultural Heritage of Altai Territory: Conference Materials. Barnaul. 1997. p.193-199
Scheglova T.K. Rural House Carvings of Altai Territory, end of the XIXth - 1st half of the XXth cent. /Ethnography of Altai and Neighbouring Areas. Barnaul. 1998. p.522-533
Scheglova T.K. Conditions of Traditional Peasant House in Altai Foothills: on Field Trip Materials. / Ethnography of Altai Territory: Scientific and Methodics Material. Barnaul. 1994. p.11-20
Scheglova T.K. Preserve Monuments of Peasant Material Culture of the XIXth - the beginning of the XXth cent. / Preservation and Study of Cultural Heritage of Altai Territory: Conference Materials. Barnaul. 1993. p.273-275
Ethnography of Altai Territory: scientific and methodics material. Barnaul. 1994. 152 p.
Ethnography of Altai. Barnaul. 1996.
Ethnography of Altai and Neighbouring Areas. Barnaul. 1998. 264 p.
Architecture and Geographical Environment Traditions Monuments of Peasant Architecture Authors